Firearm Education Is Somehow Different

Firearms are “scary” so problems surrounding them are dealt with much differently:

Firearm-Ignorance-Billy-JohnsonThat drowning / swimming parallel he drew was awesome!  I know the argument will be “BUT SOMEONE CAN’T WALK INTO A SCHOOL AND DROWN A ROOM FULL OF KIDS”. *eye roll*

I love the graphics on Billy’s vids.. very clean.  Goes well with the black shirt / hipster glasses esthetic.



2 responses to “Firearm Education Is Somehow Different”

  1. “BUT SOMEONE CAN’T WALK INTO A SCHOOL AND DROWN A ROOM FULL OF KIDS”. You obviosly never had one of those assault-backpack-supersoakers when you were a kid!

  2. The sleeves need to be a little shorter to technically be hipster.