Absuperman Interviews FXHummel1 At Buck Yeager’s Crib

Attempts an interview anyway haha:

4:00 – I think it’s safe to say that is the most uncomfortable thing I’ve ever seen being done while wearing an ENDO Apparel t-shirt.  LOL wtf?  If you read that sentence and plan on sending me something weirder, I don’t know if I can handle it.

FXHummel1-Absuperman-Pickle-InterviewYou can find FXhummel1 and Absuperman at those links to their channels on YouTube. You’ll find their contact information there as well if you’ve got some sort of freaky party happening and you want them to come preform that pickle stunt. I hear they don’t come cheap.



10 responses to “Absuperman Interviews FXHummel1 At Buck Yeager’s Crib”

  1. yikes… lol

  2. Hopeton Brown Avatar
    Hopeton Brown

    All that time spent with Buck Yeager has affected his brain.

  3. That was absolutely hysterical.

    More like that awkward moment when you misspell pickle.

    1. absuperman Avatar

      What? Crap…thanks for nothing spell check…

  4. Matt in FL Avatar
    Matt in FL

    Oh, I was cryin’ by the end of that. Thanks!

  5. This was hard to watch lol. How long have you two been on YouTube?

  6. That was TOO freaking funny!

    I got tears…

    And I WANT that wall paper.

  7. SittingDown Avatar

    Some things cannot be unseen.

  8. John Fritz Avatar
    John Fritz

    You weren’t drinking. Congratulations. *rolls eyes*

  9. shockfish08 Avatar

    Is that a pickle in your hand Absuperman? Or are yeah just happy to be on cam? LOL