Tips On Reassembling Ruger Mark II and Mark III Pistols

Absuperman kicks knowledge:

Absuperman-YouTubeYea I’ve heard it’s the most frustrating thing on earth if you attempt to detail strip those.  I don’t have any personal experience with that mind you, so it might be all newb talk.



13 responses to “Tips On Reassembling Ruger Mark II and Mark III Pistols”

  1. James Patrick Avatar
    James Patrick

    Funny vid, I know that feel. I could never reassemble a 22/45 without the manual until I took the time to learn how all of the parts work. Once I understood the insides, I could do it with my eyes closed.

    The worst part is that it’s possible to reassemble the pistol without it being functional.

  2. lucusloc Avatar

    lol, I know how he feels. It is the only gun I own that I have to think about which way gravity is pulling to put it back together.

  3. Haha, funny vid. There are a couple things that are just really hard to explain or show on videos. Until you get those steps right, it seems impossible. Like lucusloc says, it involves gravity and gun position.

  4. Andrew Avatar

    I custom built my ruger mk3 and it was super easy to put together…. maybe its just stock ruger parts that

  5. Todd S Avatar

    Don’t forget positions your hand isn’t supposed to assume.

  6. Al T. Avatar

    Eh. It’s not that hard.

  7. I haven’t taken my MKIII apart in countless thousands of rounds. I just keep putting more oil on the bolt and it keeps running.

    1. Critter Avatar

      see, that’s forward thinking.

  8. Doyletoo Avatar

    Funny, I shot my 22/45 today and was thinking “maybe ill spring for te “speed strip” kit.
    It can make you crazy if you don’t do it right. As great a pistol as it is, I’d have thought Rugwr would have simplified this by now…

    1. Doyletoo Avatar

      Typing on the iPad is not always conducive to good spelling.

  9. On youtube, Firearm instructor Cope Reynolds has a good one about the Mark II/III. His moniker is Desertscout1.

  10. Jayson Avatar

    Broham, everything you’ve heard about stripping the mkii/iii and 22/45 pistols is true. I’ve have a mkii 22/45 an a mkiii 22/45, and they make me want to throw shit when it’s time to clean them. THe mkiii is even worse with all it’s disconnects and doowops flip flops and flim flams. UGH. But yeah, what an awesome piece, I’d NEVER get rid of my 22/45, EVER.