Simplifying The Fire Selector Switch Markings

MOAR Pew Pew Pew!


I bet if a company made a new limited edition AR-15 lower with those engravings, people would shit a brick.

Damn I like that worn look that rifle has… I need to paint my AR and start operating harder.


Hat tip: Adam


15 responses to “Simplifying The Fire Selector Switch Markings”

  1. Funny, I usually get all the “funny gun stuff” from your blog. But I saw this on a Finnish humour-page 2-3 weeks ago. Still, why put PEWPEWPEW on a semiauto?

  2. SittingDown Avatar

    That has character.

  3. Seriously thinkin of having Wally make me one with this on it …

  4. I can dig it

  5. I dunno, that’s a Bushhampster. Unless the owner has proper staked his castle nut and gas key, the “no pew” may apply to all positions of the safety. :D

    1. BBJones Avatar

      Agree on the gas key, but castle nut meh. Never seen one that was torq’d properly (who knows if Bushdumpster does) come loose. If it was to loosen, it would be noticeable before it would be a real problem.

  6. Damn! Got any pics of the entire gun? I’d love to see how “used and abused” that gun is!

  7. Audacia77 Avatar


  8. “I was doing this before with the German H&K’s long before they got popular on AR’s.”


  9. It’s a lie. There is no sear pin so no full auto.

    1. John Smith Avatar
      John Smith

      Or you know it uses a DIAS… either way it’s still funny.

  10. I saw this post and I was all like “Haha, I saw that the other day and it’s still funny.” Then I saw the hat tip, and I was all like “Ohh yeah, thats because I tweeted it to you.”

  11. great !! waiting for you to release this shirt now mike..

  12. Sucks that “NO PEW” is drawn on the pic using MSPAINT, funny though.

  13. 30 bucks says that’s an airsoft gun.