Saiga-12 Candied Bacon

Mattv2099 with a necessary component of an operator who operates in operations breakfast:

Damnit Matt I thought by now you’d know that you need to put foil around the bacon!  All your bacon barrel vids had the same outcome… the bacon falls off almost immediately as a result of the recoil, and the video becomes disappointing because it doesn’t cook as well as it could.  Like I always say “Operate Smarter, Not Harder”.

Mattv2099-OperatorMatt when’s this new girlfriend of yours going to join the YouTube trollture testing?  You know putting a girl in a gun video immediately will get you 10x the views right?  History also dictates that if said girl is in booty shorts the multiplier is several times higher (YOUTUBE MONEY! *cha ching*).  Food (pun intended) for thought. haha



3 responses to “Saiga-12 Candied Bacon”

  1. Is that dude ‘Milton’ from the Walking Dead?

  2. Dude, dont ask him to bring in some camel toe clara to boost ratings, he has to maintain his artistic integrity. Theres enough channels with tac-ho’s already.

  3. dgdimick Avatar

    OK, that’s just wrong. I’m turning in my guns and joining then left. Oh, wait, BACON!!!!! never mind