Hot Brass Dance – The Dance Of Our People

Terminal Lance knows what’s up. He took this, which happens to the best of us:

And made a comic out of it:

Seriously though, if you’re not following Terminal Lance what are you doing with your life?  I’d say it’s every bit as crucial to survival as ENDO.


7 responses to “Hot Brass Dance – The Dance Of Our People”

  1. Croppedxout Avatar

    Terminal Lance is literally the best thing to happen to the morale of Marines since it became acceptable for women to show off their ankles at the beach. Cpl Uriarte is a goddamn hero. Chesty Puller would jack him off with his knife hands and cradle him to sleep in a bed of MRE spoons. Semper Gumby.

  2. theblackknight Avatar

    Holy stalking shit. You even know he picked up after EAS?


  3. Ive had this happen and it is NOT fun lol.. especially in a firefight

  4. It happens to the best of us! and it burns.

  5. Oh my god that was too funny! I know it hurts, but this guy was just halarious!

  6. You know what else is a bitch — left handed shooting with an M-16 from a prone position. You end up with 5.56 dimples all over your face.

  7. Try getting brass from an apache raining that sucks ass! But thank god for those Apaches. Love ’em!