As you probably already know J Dewey Manufacturing is providing a whole week of giveaways! Day #3 was an AR-10 Field Kit for two lucky people.
I asked for 3 words again to construct a Mad Lib in a secret sentence: Name of your favorite tactical operator, regular verb, and a body part
The super secret sentence is:
If I ever see (name of your favorite tactical operator) in public, I will (regular verb) his (body part) and thank him for all he has tactically done for me.
The results were funny as expected. Here are the two winners that correspond to the numbers I generated at
#56438 – Bryce – “If I ever see Sam Fisher in public, I will sneak his wrist and thank him for all he has tactically done for me.”
#56372 – Doug – “If I ever see Sgt. Rock in public, I will drown his big toe and thank him for all he has tactically done for me.”
Congrats Bryce and Doug, i’ll contact you shortly for your info.
4 Draws left for some of the rest of you to still win something!