5.11 Tactical – Bonus Sunglasses Giveaway RESULT

Yesterday’s bonus 24 hour 5.11 Tactical giveaway was for a pair of sweet sunglasses and a carry case.

The random number generator over at Random.org says this person is best suited to look like an operator in these new shades:

#55359 – NikonMikon

And his entry comment:

block the brightness of the sun. (lol)

Congrats NikonMikon.  I’ll be contacting you shortly for your name/address.

There was a good mix of funny comments when you guys completed the sentence “I wear sunglasses to…”.  A lot of the ones I saw and laughed at had to do with either discreetly checking out girls, or taking your sunglasses off at Miami crime scenes before saying something witty.  Awesome stuff guys LOL.

Thanks again 5.11 Tactical!  You know who to come to next time you want to do some more giveaways.


2 responses to “5.11 Tactical – Bonus Sunglasses Giveaway RESULT”

  1. Congrats to NikonMikon and thanks to 5.11 for all of the great prizes.

  2. NikonMikon Avatar

    thanks Heath!