Cokeman is nothing if not classy:
The first comment on youtube by RowenCx4 sums it up best:
jihad beard, track suit, gold watch, AK, you’re creep’in me out bro.
The boy does know how to bumpfire an AK pretty well though…
I never thought i’d see a Cokeman video where he didn’t call us all faggots and say a bunch of other random offensive things. Maybe he’s growing up?
Either way he’s transformed into quite the Beiber-ZZ-Top-Ashton-Kutcher looking son of a bitch.
I for one am looking forward to the many facepalms I get from watching his videos this year.
Keep up the work Cokeman.
12 responses to “Cokeman Welcome Bumpfires 2012”
The first things I noticed about this blog post was cokeman’s wannabe Chechen rebel beard, and the words “cokeman”. Then I saw, “Jihad beard” and my caught myself nodding in agreement.
The only thing missing from this video is this song
Eventually he will discharge in his house only to find out he’s been wounded by a ricochet, hopefully non-fatal without maiming.
I dont know anything about this guy but maybe because daddy was there he did not swear as much.
Always a great channel to check out if you’d like to see a complete waste of ammunition.
He will be a statistic one day.
Think he has a legit tax stamp for that thing? I somehow doubt it but you never know.
at least he had adult supervision
Any move this guy makes should probably require adult supervision.
Vhyrus. He is shooting his Red Jacket krink AK. In one of his previous videos he details the tax stamp process.
“Hey there little faggots…This is cokeman. I got a video…”
Is this the dude that shoots books/magazines in his dirty ass living room?
Yall need to quit hatin. Cokeman is a cool motherfucker.