Mexican Violence Has Infiltrated The Arts

These good looking blondes must have an ATF contact:

I was skeptical.. then I saw the blank firing adapters, and they they let it rip.   HELL YEA!

*Seconds later 60 people in the balconies are dead*  I kid… I kid…

I don’t know if the song is an old Mexican classic or not, but it appears to have gained popularity from being the intro to the 1995 Antonio Banderas movie Desperado.

Can you imagine if someone on stage did that at a concert in the U.S.?  That likely wouldn’t go over well with the general arts type crowds.


17 responses to “Mexican Violence Has Infiltrated The Arts”

  1. That one guy Avatar
    That one guy

    Why AK’s?

    1. Polish TV channel, “Telewizja Polska”

    2. Because we gave those to them…

  2. I thought this was kind of entertaining, crude as high-hell, but entertaining in it’s uniqueness.
    First this couldn’t happen in a pro-gun state, someone would probably end up shooting those women. Second, I would have a heart attack if I saw that happening in front of me, of course all of the blood flow would be somewhere else to begin with, hence “good looking blondes”.

  3. Really cool. I’d have liked it better if they hadn’t flinched so hard.

    1. I’d have like it better if they were topless… I guess we all have our priorities.

  4. Hmmmm… no cases being ejected?

    1. Look closely, there are casing.

  5. That had to have been loud as all holy fuck for the first few rows as well as the band.

    1. That had to have been loud as all holy fuck…

      If it’s anything like firing blanks from an M4 with a BFA, it’s not that loud. A blank doesn’t need a large powder charge, and the blank adapter is closing off the muzzle, so gas isn’t escaping and making noise there. There’s enough of a charge to create enough gas to cycle the weapon, but that’s about it. It’s been awhile since I’ve fired blanks, so somebody can chime in and help me out, but I don’t recall it being too much louder than a .22; certainly nothing that necessitated hearing protection.

  6. Actually I fire blanks quite regularly(some Army thing), anyways, while the blanks for the M4 are indeed a bit more then .22. The 7.62×39 blanks for whatever reason, are quite loud, more then enough to need hearing protection. My guess, the AK needs quite a bit more powder to toss back the bolt giving it’s size and weight, oppose to that of the M4.

    1. My guess, the AK needs quite a bit more powder to toss back the bolt giving it’s size and weight, oppose to that of the M4.

      That could be; I’ve never seen anyone firing blanks from an AK so I was unaware that they were significantly louder. Although, even if it needed a larger powder load to move the heavier bolt, if the energy of the gas was all spent up pushing the bolt back, there wouldn’t be any left to make a loud noise, it would seem. Perhaps they’re all overloaded due to the dozens of different manufacturers of the weapon and differences among them. Maybe the blanks are made powerful enough to ensure that they work in any of them.

      I just watched this again and noticed that there were muzzle flashes coming from the barrels; I missed that the first time. I guess their blank adapters work differently than the ones for the M16/M4 anyway, that might have something to do with the louder sound also. Apparently all of the pressure is being directed back to cycle the action.

      1. Apparently all of the pressure is being directed back to cycle the action.

        Damn it. Should say “isn’t being directed back…”

  7. Why is one of the blondes breathing heavy, I get that the precision movement takes a great degree of muscle control. She is breathing like…she just had a very personal and pleasurable experience.

  8. these are some of the weapons that obama sent to mexico to be traced back to the drug cartels.

    1. these are some of the weapons that obama sent to mexico to be traced back to the drug cartels.

      Then why are they showing up in a Polish orchestra? Because Mexico and Poland are real tight?

  9. the blank adapter for the AK, I have used, do seal off the barrel and are much like the M4’s However, it seems no matter how tight you put them on, there is still some gas escaping, and along with it some muzzle flash.
    Again I don’t know why, but while the 5.56 blanks fired on a full auto, are so low pressure, the cyclic rate is reduced. It isn’t the case for the 7.62×39, there is still some decent recoil, and on full auto, no noticeable reduction in cyclic rate, and the while rise from recoil.
    Am, sure the Polish get the same blanks are anyone else, if I recall, the Army’s are coming from Russia, or Serbia. The 5.56 I recall are American made, but can’t remember at the moment.