Hickok45 Gallaghers Some Watermelons With His M4

I love the smell of burnt gunpowder and watermelons in the morning:

Some might ask ‘why?’.    I say, ‘why not?’. 

Speaking of the smell, if bath & body works made a burnt gunpowder and watermelons soap i’d buy a lifetime supply.


13 responses to “Hickok45 Gallaghers Some Watermelons With His M4”

  1. frank markson Avatar
    frank markson

    use your bolt release

  2. That one guy Avatar
    That one guy

    “if bath & body works made a burnt gunpowder and watermelons soap i’d buy a lifetime supply.”
    It just goes to show. Even manly men cant resist fruity fragrant soap. :3

    And this is proof that, weinery as 5.56mm is, it’ll kill the shit out of anything resembling watermelons.
    Ermey would be proud :D

  3. Great! Its only a matter of time until The Collation to stop Watermelon violence sees this and has an uprising. :P

  4. Dillankid Avatar

    This would be a great way to start the day. Every day.

    1. That one guy Avatar
      That one guy

      Smoke melons erryday?

  5. Last time I checked the “M4” had a 14.5in barrel, knight’s armament rails, A3 flat top, and most important…burst fire.

    1. Eh, barrel notwithstanding, the thing is fully-automatic, has no forward assist, nor brass deflector. On top of that… there’s more than several M4 iterations with or without the things you mentioned.

      1. Ah, and the rollmark is a Colt HBAR.

      2. I’m just going by what I had in the Army.

  6. I want one!

  7. lone survivor Avatar
    lone survivor

    Next time use a 50 Bewulf!
    Or a 458 Socom.

  8. I never understood why people feel the need to use food as a shooting target. With so many people in the world going to bed at night still hungry it would make me feel like a dick if I wasted food like this.

  9. It is not an M4. And yes, please use the bolt release.