Homemade Mexican Drug Cartel Tank

Sources say this new model could run up to 110 kilometers per hour, beating its predecessor, the Monster 2010, which ran only 40 kilometers per hour, thus showing the improvement in technology, further state that the interior of the vehicle is large with capacity up to 12 members of Los Zetas.

I wonder if they got help with this from the ATF? <— BaZINGA!

More pics at Blog Del Narco – HERE


10 responses to “Homemade Mexican Drug Cartel Tank”

  1. I wonder if Hilary thinks some Texan smuggled this south in his truck?

  2. looks like they’re trying to build WWII halftracks but kept wheels on it for speed

  3. The Dog Avatar
    The Dog

    Can you imagine driving around in the desert in that thing with 11 other sweaty guys Probably more lethal on the inside that the outside.

  4. lone survivor Avatar
    lone survivor

    The gun banning cults will say that the drug dealers bought this at a gun shop in the USA. Just the thing for hunting giant, wild hogs!

    1. the Dude Avatar
      the Dude

      Hog huntin’?
      Heck man, if I had one of these, I’d go drug dealer hunting!
      Get me a small fleet of them, and I’ll dress in a thong with a hockey mask and start calling myself the Ayatollah of Rock-n-Rolla, if you know what I’m sayin’.

  5. El Duderino Avatar
    El Duderino

    Why was the A-Team theme playing in my head as I read this?

  6. Snow and Ash Avatar
    Snow and Ash

    Does the U.S. Border Patrol carry AT4 rocket launchers? You know, just in case?

  7. What a pile of shit.

    Just what you want, a poorly ventilated, easily disabled vehicle for you and your amigos to ride into combat in.

  8. It’s the TIV!

  9. That one guy Avatar
    That one guy

    Anyone can up-armor a dump truck. Even the military, we just call them Humvees and gun trucks :3

    And you could probably stop that with a fifty cal, some grenades, or some well placed bursts of .308

    Still not as cool as the drug submarine though xD