Mario Brothers Movie Trailer (GTA Style)

Mario and Luigi get the guns out:

“Never bring a hammer to a gunfight”… so true.

The “it’s a me Mario” with moltov cocktail at the end was awesome.


4 responses to “Mario Brothers Movie Trailer (GTA Style)”

  1. If this was a feature length movie, I’d watch it.

  2. Bowser: “Get everyone.”
    Goomba: “Everyone, sir?”
    Bowser: “EV-RY-ONE!”

    A shout out to Gary Oldman’s character in The Professional, I see.

  3. Bill beat me to the Professional reference :} That was just epic though, and like ben said, i’d love to see someone do that as a movie, or even a short movie.

  4. Rockstar should just get in touch with these guys, offer Nintendo a hefty cut, and make this DLC. I would happily plunk down cash to play GTA as a gritty Mario Brothers reboot.