NERF Push Button Deployable Dart Blaster

Behold the NERF N-Strike Deploy CS-6 Blaster:

Only $20 on Amazon – HERE

It’s begging for the realistic paint treatment like these badboys.


4 responses to “NERF Push Button Deployable Dart Blaster”

  1. this is cool.. I definitely want my kids to play with these :)

    and I need to learn how to use an airbrush to paint these toys :p

  2. Its like a Magpul FPG (Folding Pocket Gun) On retard-oids.

    So it goes like this. Little kids can have the nerf version. Older kids get the airsoft one. And the big boys can have the real thing.

  3. uhm just as a note look at the 5th photo top right dart flicker on your previous post and youll see that someone has already painted it as you wanted them to

  4. My Son said he wanted to have this for his birthday party