Mayor Daley Outlines Details Of Chicago’s New Gun Ordinance – YAWN

Blah blah blah blah… I’m so sick of Daley and his bullshit.

If you want to waste 36 minutes of your life watch the following youtube video on the new gun ordinance:


If you have better things to do, just take a quick browse through the city of Chicago’s press releases page HERE to get the summary of all crap people will have to put up with.

Ugh I almost fell asleep writing this post… I need to find something funny to post now to wake me up.


8 responses to “Mayor Daley Outlines Details Of Chicago’s New Gun Ordinance – YAWN”

  1. bikeman Avatar

    *It allows for registration of no more than one handgun per month in the home per adult or applicant and generally prohibits the possession of a handgun by any person except in the person’s home.
    *It establishes a two-step process to own and register a handgun. First, the applicant must obtain a city firearms permit, which requires having a valid State of Illinois Firearm Owners’ Identification Card, and then the applicant must register the gun with the Chicago Police Department.

    —Sure seems like there’s a possibility for someone to drag their feet here… even with the later proposed timelines, Superintendent must process applications within 45 days (120 days for applications submitted within 180 days after passage of the ordinance), unless good cause is shown.

    Nice contradiction here:
    *Applicant for a CFP must have completed a firearm safety and training course with at least one hour of range training and four hours of classroom instruction, and must submit to fingerprinting.
    *It requires firearms safety training, both in a classroom and on a firing range.
    *It bans gun shops.
    *Prohibits shooting galleries and target ranges (other than for law enforcement) in the city.

    And this is the killer:
    *Superintendent will develop a roster of safe handguns and assault weapons that will be posted on the dept.’s web site. Only handguns that are listed on the roster are permissible. Assault weapons listed on the list of assault weapons are banned.

    Reminds me of the initial issues after Heller’s case.

  2. Even in france, our gun laws are better than that … good luck peoples of Chicago !

    1. Ouch.

  3. Mount Avatar

    The only halfway decent “common sense” thing that I noticed came at the end of the safe storage rule:

    “…However, no person may be punished under this provision if the minor uses the firearm for self-defense, or gains access to the firearm through unlawful entry.”

    Even possession of a laser is outlawed!

  4. “And this is the killer:
    *Superintendent will develop a roster of safe handguns and assault weapons that will be posted on the dept.’s web site. Only handguns that are listed on the roster are permissible. Assault weapons listed on the list of assault weapons are banned.” Yes Im sure the super is qualified to determine what is safe…lol. Im sure he will let the bad guys know they cant have this or that.Wait…rules dont apply to them. Il and CA sure do think alike…

  5. bikeman Avatar

    New article and poll regarding this….

    Take a look at the poll on the bottom. when I voted 84% said B “No. The ordinance is so draconian as to amount to a virtual ban — and anyway, the Second Amendment prohibits restrictions on gun ownership.”

  6. A ban in every way but the name.