Euro Millions Lottery Paintball Advertisement


Pretty awesome ad! Looks like a lot of fun.


7 responses to “Euro Millions Lottery Paintball Advertisement”

  1. That’s actually paintball. Either way looks awesome.

    1. Admin (Mike) Avatar
      Admin (Mike)

      shit, of course it is. I’ll correct it thanks

  2. Thats what Im going with my money! Looks AWESOME!!!!!

    1. DOING with my money. not going. silly goose,

  3. Davis F Avatar

    Jesus, we need to get some blogs + forums together, raise some money, and do this!

  4. I’d be the fat guy behind the skinny tree… but I’d do it anyway.

  5. I hereby swear that if and when I hit the lotto, (or rob a bank..) I will take all my friends on some manner of that trip :}