Dual Wield Movie Montage

Dual wield scenes from some popular movies:

New York Reload holsters are paramount when carrying to dual wield.


13 responses to “Dual Wield Movie Montage”

  1. My one real complaint about The Losers last night… for the most part they did a fantastic job with the guns, but for some reason the big climatic ending includes Clay duel wielding two MP5-PDW’s… at least he was pulling the slings tight, but they put stocks on the things for a reason…………….

    1. Admin (Mike) Avatar
      Admin (Mike)

      hehe dual wield of mp5-pdw’s

      I definitely have to see that movie. I looks pretty awesome.

  2. stomp13 Avatar

    I shoot in the bottom of a friends quarry. We screw around alot, shooting from a moving mini-van and what not. I dual wield like a mother, mostly with my 1911s or plastic guns (glock/HK) Cant hit shit. I’ve even dual wield my AK and AR. that rocked. Its what I learned from watching movies!

    1. Admin (Mike) Avatar
      Admin (Mike)

      Any up on youtube? :P

      1. Next we shoot I’ll have him film. Just so happens he does video editing as a hobby. Maybe he can take 30lbs off of me!

  3. stomp13,
    Please make some videos.

    1. Admin (Mike) Avatar
      Admin (Mike)


  4. what!??! nothing from Equilibrium?!?

    1. Admin (Mike) Avatar
      Admin (Mike)

      yea it was missing a few movies I thought could have been included! FaceOff being one of them.

  5. At 00:58, I SMELL A FUNDING PROBLEM!!!!!

    1. SPC Fish Avatar

      hahahahaha. hopefully that was a joke and you have ssen the Boondock Saints. if not you better get your ass to see it

      1. Admin (Mike) Avatar
        Admin (Mike)

        Boondock Saints is amazing!

  6. Bravo – nice find. Pure entertainment.