.50 Caliber USB Flash Drive

Try explaining this one as customs x-rays your bag:

Available at Amazon – HERE


6 responses to “.50 Caliber USB Flash Drive”

  1. Wow, that’s a damn shame that it’s $79.99 because the idea is great, the size (16gb) is wonderful, but the price? Too much. I was thinking to myself ‘gotta have one’ until the price popped up on Amazon.

    1. Admin (Mike) Avatar
      Admin (Mike)

      Yea definitely too much, but still cool none the less. :P

  2. Bryan S Avatar

    Even the smaller driver are pricey… but, the time ti takes to machine the little cap is where the cost probably comes from. I might just make my own out of 2 dummy rounds and an old stick with some epoxy.

    1. Admin (Mike) Avatar
      Admin (Mike)

      You could “one up” them and make yours twist together on threads!

      1. You could just buy a regular dummy round, and a small USB drive, keep them separate, and have a more authentic-looking dummy round, and a more useful USB drive!

  3. Martial-Lol'd Avatar

    Good luck taking it as a carry on. Interesting, but too expensive.

    +1 to Josh lol